Wide Horizon Preschool
Wide Horizon Preschool
Wide Horizon Preschool
Wide Horizons Nursery School is sponsored by the Federated Church of Maine. It has been in operation since 1983. It is non-sectarian and open to 3, 4, and 5 year old children in Maine and nearby communities. We welcome all children regardless of their race, religion, or national origins.
Wide Horizons Nursery School is sponsored by the Federated Church of Maine. It has been in operation since 1983. It is non-sectarian and open to 3, 4, and 5 year old children in Maine and nearby communities. We welcome all children regardless of their race, religion, or national origins.
Our Mission:
Our Mission:
To provide an environment which widens the horizons of children and helps them develop their greatest social, emotional, intellectual, and physical potential.
To provide an environment which widens the horizons of children and helps them develop their greatest social, emotional, intellectual, and physical potential.
Growth is encouraged in a loving and caring atmosphere with a wide variety of play materials and many enriching experiences. The children spend time with each teacher every day and benefit from the variety of interests this provides.
Growth is encouraged in a loving and caring atmosphere with a wide variety of play materials and many enriching experiences. The children spend time with each teacher every day and benefit from the variety of interests this provides.
Children who attend preschool tend to be more successful in later schooling and are more competent socially than those children who do not attend preschool. The preschool years are enriched by the many special learning and play experiences children have at Wide Horizons Preschool. We are able to provide your children with experiences that they cannot get at home.
Children who attend preschool tend to be more successful in later schooling and are more competent socially than those children who do not attend preschool. The preschool years are enriched by the many special learning and play experiences children have at Wide Horizons Preschool. We are able to provide your children with experiences that they cannot get at home.
Jenniffer Wheeler - Co Director
Jenniffer Wheeler - Co Director
Lynn Winn - Co Director
Lynn Winn - Co Director
Jenniffer Wheeler, Co Director 607-727-4213
Jenniffer Wheeler, Co Director 607-727-4213
CHILDREN DEVELOP SELF ESTEEM AT NURSERY SCHOOL. The child who attends Wide Horizons Nursery School makes new friends, learns new skills, and learns how to get along in a group. This gives a child a sense of independence and helps them make the adjustment to kindergarten.
CHILDREN DEVELOP SELF ESTEEM AT NURSERY SCHOOL. The child who attends Wide Horizons Nursery School makes new friends, learns new skills, and learns how to get along in a group. This gives a child a sense of independence and helps them make the adjustment to kindergarten.
BLOCK BUILDING develops large and small muscles, stimulates imagination, promotes social skills, and improves math skills.
BLOCK BUILDING develops large and small muscles, stimulates imagination, promotes social skills, and improves math skills.
ART ACTIVITIES use a wide variety of materials and techniques. We have a planned art project each day as well as free time to paint or use play dough.
ART ACTIVITIES use a wide variety of materials and techniques. We have a planned art project each day as well as free time to paint or use play dough.
NUMBER, PRE-READING AND THINKING SKILLS are developed with counting and matching games, puzzles and daily routines.
NUMBER, PRE-READING AND THINKING SKILLS are developed with counting and matching games, puzzles and daily routines.
SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS and items to examine promote curiosity, give children practice in predicting what will happen and are fun and exciting.
SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS and items to examine promote curiosity, give children practice in predicting what will happen and are fun and exciting.
FIELD TRIPS are scheduled and parents are welcome to attend. We usually have one field trip per month. Some of our favorites include the Maine Fire Station, the Post Office, a horse farm, a greenhouse, Roberson, Ross Park Zoo, the Discovery Center, the Maine Scoop, NBT, Finch Hollow Nature Center and Skate Estate.
FIELD TRIPS are scheduled and parents are welcome to attend. We usually have one field trip per month. Some of our favorites include the Maine Fire Station, the Post Office, a horse farm, a greenhouse, Roberson, Ross Park Zoo, the Discovery Center, the Maine Scoop, NBT, Finch Hollow Nature Center and Skate Estate.
SPECIAL VISITORS from the community greatly enrich our program. These visitors include parents, grandparents, neighbors or others who have special interests or skills that the children would enjoy. People have shared collections, musical abilities, and hobbies. We have learned about race cars, police cars, snowmobiles, model trains, Irish dancing, and many different musical instruments.
SPECIAL VISITORS from the community greatly enrich our program. These visitors include parents, grandparents, neighbors or others who have special interests or skills that the children would enjoy. People have shared collections, musical abilities, and hobbies. We have learned about race cars, police cars, snowmobiles, model trains, Irish dancing, and many different musical instruments.
PHYSICAL COORDINATION is improved through daily active play. We have a large indoor play area with a balance beam, rocking boat, slide and hippity-hop balls. When the weather permits, we go outside on the playground behind the church pavilion, as well as a large grassy area to run and play games. We spend many winter days playing outside in the snow banks.
PHYSICAL COORDINATION is improved through daily active play. We have a large indoor play area with a balance beam, rocking boat, slide and hippity-hop balls. When the weather permits, we go outside on the playground behind the church pavilion, as well as a large grassy area to run and play games. We spend many winter days playing outside in the snow banks.
Each teacher has a planned STORY TIME daily involving the theme we are studying. She may use books, puppets or flannel boards. Finger plays and games add to the fun.
Each teacher has a planned STORY TIME daily involving the theme we are studying. She may use books, puppets or flannel boards. Finger plays and games add to the fun.
MUSIC is an important part of our day. Each story time has singing, creative movement, rhythm instruments to go with the story or theme as well as time to do old favorites of the children.
MUSIC is an important part of our day. Each story time has singing, creative movement, rhythm instruments to go with the story or theme as well as time to do old favorites of the children.
Each child will be assigned to a Home Center. They will begin each day at school with this teacher. During the first half of the morning, they play in each of our three rooms: the Art Room, Block Room, and the Noodle Caboodle Room. A special activity has been planned for each room as well as time for free play. After visiting all three rooms and teachers, the children return ot their Home Center where they have a nutritious snack and circle time. Following this, we play outdoors (weather permitting) or indoors in the large Fellowship Hall.
Each child will be assigned to a Home Center. They will begin each day at school with this teacher. During the first half of the morning, they play in each of our three rooms: the Art Room, Block Room, and the Noodle Caboodle Room. A special activity has been planned for each room as well as time for free play. After visiting all three rooms and teachers, the children return ot their Home Center where they have a nutritious snack and circle time. Following this, we play outdoors (weather permitting) or indoors in the large Fellowship Hall.
SCHOOL CALENDAR School begins in early September with an Orientation Day for parents and children. We follow the Maine-Endwell schools calendar and have the same holiday and snow days as M-E. Our last day of school is the second Thursday in June.
SCHOOL CALENDAR School begins in early September with an Orientation Day for parents and children. We follow the Maine-Endwell schools calendar and have the same holiday and snow days as M-E. Our last day of school is the second Thursday in June.
PARENT HELPER AND SNACK Each morning a parent stays to help out and provide a nutritious snack. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board for you to sign up on days convenient to you.
PARENT HELPER AND SNACK Each morning a parent stays to help out and provide a nutritious snack. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board for you to sign up on days convenient to you.
TUITION Please contact the directors for more info on tuition, registration, and days.
TUITION Please contact the directors for more info on tuition, registration, and days.